





糖果2006 剧照 NO.1糖果2006 剧照 NO.2糖果2006 剧照 NO.3糖果2006 剧照 NO.4糖果2006 剧照 NO.5糖果2006 剧照 NO.6糖果2006 剧照 NO.13糖果2006 剧照 NO.14糖果2006 剧照 NO.15糖果2006 剧照 NO.16糖果2006 剧照 NO.17糖果2006 剧照 NO.18糖果2006 剧照 NO.19糖果2006 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-07-20 00:28


  丹(希斯•莱杰 饰)与美丽的糖果(艾比•考尼什 饰)相爱了。两人在一起之后一起出游,他们相处的时光充满了爱意。可是糖果是个吸毒者,她喜欢吸食海洛因,而且她还让男友丹一起吸食。他们利用吸毒后的极度兴奋的状态,企图为生活带来更多刺激。
  即使糖果的父母指责丹没有把他们的女儿从毒海中营救出来,甚至与她一起泥足深陷。其实他们有尝试戒除毒瘾,可是他们又受到了丹的同性恋朋友卡斯珀(杰弗里•拉什 饰)的影响,毒瘾越来越大,生活变得越来越堕落……


 1 ) Candy's a fucking good poet

Once upon a time, there was Candy and Dan.
Things were very hot that year.
All the wax was melting in the trees.
He would climb balconies, climb everywhere, do anything for her...
oh Danny boy....
Thousands of birds, the tiniest birds, adorned her hair.
Everything was gold.
One night the bed caught fire.
He was handsome and a very good criminal.
We lived on sunlight and chocolate bars.
It was the afternoon of extravagant delight.
Danny the daredevil.
Candy went missing.
The days last rays of sunshine cruise like sharks.
I want to try it your way this time.
You came into my life really fast and I liked it.
We squelched in the mud of our joy.
I was wet-thighed with surrender.

Then there was a gap in things and the whole earth tilted.
This is the business.
This, is what we're after.
With you inside me comes the hatch of death.
And perhaps I'll simply never sleep again.
The monster in the pool.
We are a proper family now with cats and chickens and runner beans.
Everywhere I looked.
And sometimes I hate you.
Friday -- I didn't mean that, mother of the blueness.
Angel of the storm.
Remember me in my opaqueness.
You pointed at the sky, that one called Sirius or dog star, but on here on earth.
Fly away sun.
Ha ha ha you are so funny Dan.
A vase of flowers by the bed.
My bare blue knees at dawn.
These ruffled sheets and you are gone and I am going too.
 I broke your head on the back of the bed but the baby he died in the morning.
I gave him a name.
His name was thomas.
Poor little god.
His heart pounds like a voodoo drum."

那些回忆 变成美妙的词语
Dan奋力的擦 却始终抹不去他们的痕迹


 2 ) 「Quotes」

「The future or the thing that gleamed. The present was so very, very good. I wasn't trying to wreck Candy's life. I was trying to make mine better. We wanted to share absolutely everything. Especially the best bits.」

「Here is the deepest secret that nobody knows. Here is the root of the root, and the bud of the bud, and the sky of the sky,in the tree called life, which grows higher than soul can hope, or mind can hide, and this is the one that is keeping the stars apart. I carry your heart. I carry it in my heart. 」

「We'd found the secret glue that held all things together in a perfect place where the noise did not intrude. Our world was so very complete.」

「Everything we ever did. we did with the best of intentions, but events tumble! And the years pile up.The world is very bewildering to a junkie.」

「What do you think this is about? Sunday Lunch. It's a pretty simple thing. But with you two, there's no such thing as simple. It‘s the drugs! The drugs always come first. Do you have any idea what you have done to my family? To me? What happened to that beautiful little girl?」

「Once upon a time, there was Candy and Dan. Things were very hot that year. All the wax was melting in the trees. He would climb balconies, climb everywhere, do anything for her, oh Danny boy. Thousands of birds, the tiniest birds, adorned her hair. Everything was gold. One night the bed caught fire. He was handsome and a very good criminal. We lived on sunlight and chocolate bars. It was the afternoon of extravagant delight. Danny the daredevil. Candy went missing. The days last rays of sunshine cruise like sharks. I want to try it your way this time. You came into my life really fast and I liked it. We squelched in the mud of our joy. I was wet-thighed with surrender. Then there was a gap in things and the whole earth tilted. This is the business. This, is what we're after. With you inside me comes the hatch of death. And perhaps I'll simply never sleep again. The monster in the pool. We are a proper family now with cats and chickens and runner beans. Everywhere I looked. And sometimes I hate you. Friday -- I didn't mean that, mother of the blueness. Angel of the storm. Remember me in my opaqueness. You pointed at the sky, that one called Sirius or dog star, but on here on earth. Fly away sun. Ha ha fucking ha you are so funny Dan. A vase of flowers by the bed. My bare blue knees at dawn. These ruffled sheets and you are gone and I am going too. I broke your head on the back of the bed but the baby he died in the morning. I gave him a name. His name was Thomas. Poor little god. His heart pounds like a voodoo drum.」

「Everything's dead. Everything's turning blue.」

「And that was it. That was all that was scattered to the winds. Casper was gone. Schumann was lost. Candy was off getting better. The coast. Rehab. And I...was. I was just... The world was full of startling new concepts. I couldn't think.I couldn't breathe. I was waiting for her to come back. Because she was everything. She was everything to me. 」

「There's no going back. If you're given a reprieve, I think it is good to remember just how thin it is.」

「When you can stop, you don't want to. When you want to stop, you can't.」

 3 ) 糖果、女孩、毒品

糖果,代表着是毒品和年轻女孩。 影片双重寓意下活色生香淋漓展现海洛因和性的羁绊下的撕扯,既惋惜又在心碎中戛然而止,留下既是悔恨又是不舍,那种难言的无声表达牵扯着观看者的心…… 影片讲述一名艺术生漂亮如糖果般的女孩认识一男孩后,双双堕入爱河,为了找寻刺激而开始两人吸食毒品,从吸食到打针,在毒品这条道上越走越远。 荒废绘画的学业,两人同居,因无生活来源,女孩选择当站街妓女,得来的钱再让男孩去买毒品,颓废的两人过着行尸走肉般的人生,其间,因女孩发现怀孕,两人想改过自新,决定戒掉毒品,而两人在活生生戒毒期间,导致女孩孩子胎死腹中,共同面对惨死的胎儿,也让两人重新开始审视人生。 于是,决定搬到偏僻乡下生活,远离繁华与毒品,由于太过年轻,没有生活阅历,不懂得婚姻的真谛,以及贫穷的伴随,突然的沉静与恶劣的环境却打破女孩紧绷的神经,她进入半疯状态,而选择了自杀。






 4 ) Something about there's no going back

Something about There's No Going Back
  去年暑假温习了一遍《梦之安魂曲》,看到有介绍关于毒品的电影,有一部是澳大利亚的电影,叫糖果。完全被那一幅merry go round 的海报所吸引,但怎么找都无果,十一假期又找了一回,寒假又找了好几次,五月份的时候一位豆友给我发了,可惜格式不对只看了前七分钟,打算在亚马逊上买原著的我在昨天生日的时候歪打正着下载了整部电影,也算是最好的礼物了。
 其实全片让我感觉最失望的是heaven太短,并没有极力渲染出两个人在毒品的欢愉中交织的太多美好,反倒是他们的争吵,嘶吼,叫喊有太多篇幅 ,不过也还恰到好处,尤其是candy抱怨电视声音,屋里光线,甚至圆珠笔划报纸的声音影响她睡觉的镜头,简直太真实。电影对于毒瘾发作的描摹更是一大亮点,candy怀孕后,二人决定戒毒,靠着Dan骗来的几千元,他们终于像每一对正常的夫妇,去大超市买果酱和饼干,搬进装有固定电话的公寓,躺上了铺有白色床单的twinbed,可惜一切关于戒毒的事都太难,密不透风的室内投射进苍白的阳光,床头的垃圾越攒越多,两个人因为全身难耐而痛苦的摩擦着,床单脏了,他们撒上爽身粉遮掩,直到有一天Candy实在忍不住拨打了她所谓的求助电话,在和Dan的撕打中流产了,这一切都是那么真实。
 之后的hell,他们回到了乡村,也许是孩子的早夭让他们的关系凝重起来,靠着每天喝美沙酮,他们还算活得清醒,没有了争吵,却只是皱着眉头的妥协,生活到了这里,再去追随那时的快乐简直是奢望,candy认识了新的朋友,他们也会一起嗑药,一起大笑,但当Dan问起candy是否和他上床时,正在作画Candy却好似疯了一般恨Dan,她开始用所有色彩鲜艳的化妆品在墙上写诗,那些颜色如糖果,本是生命的注解,如今却在墙壁上密密麻麻的排满了,倾吐着常人无法到达的忧乐。瘾君子的世界是扑朔迷离的,但当故事支离破碎成一首诗,我不得不承认candy是位伟大的艺术家,一句句无厘头的话,如一剂剂爱情毒针,不偏不倚的刺中了Dan的心脏,他又去找了Casper,而candy却因神经衰弱被送进了医院,出院后,Dan在打工的餐馆里和着阳光和苏打水结束了一切,cause there's no going back.
但如果Dan也已戒掉毒瘾,他和Candy一样成了正常人,那现在就没有什么理由拒绝了啊,为什么要选择自己离开呢,我大胆认为,也许一开始,他们的爱情就是基于毒品之上的,又或者,根本没有爱情,首先,他们会ml,但是是在嗑药之后,他们会整天呆在一起,但是是在两人筹集毒资或是一起吸毒时,要找到一点点爱情的踪迹,还只是在heaven部分。还记得那个乡村的邻居吗,他和candy一起嗑药时,那种兴奋,快乐,与candy和Dan在一起时并没有什么不同,没有什么不可替代,只不过是两人在对方生命中有一个比较重要的角色罢了,一个糅杂了青春,毒品,迷幻,艺术,肉体,阳光,刺激等等于一体的角色,抑或是生命中一个重要的时期,那段有毒品,有糖果作伴的时期,片中那个milkman正是原著的作者Luke Davies,我在维基上查了他的故事,他是个澳大利亚著名的电视编剧,导演,他曾在八几年的时候沾染毒瘾,大抵来讲,他以他为原型写了这本书,也是为了祭奠自己一去不返的迷幻青春和曾经中过的毒,Dan对Candy说there's no going back.又何尝不是对自己的过去说再见?也许真正致幻的是他们的关系,真正有毒的是他们这种危险的感情

 5 ) Candy

"Candy", 一個女孩的名字, 可以代表糖果, 也可以比喻引誘人的毒品, 就像一顆吃了又想再吃的糖果, 是糖衣陷阱? 抑或甜得令人醉倒? "Candy"也是今屆香港國際電影節的閉幕電影之一, 是澳洲導演Neil Armfield的作品, 之前從未看過他的電影. 此劇改編自同名原著"Candy"的小說, 作者是Luke Davies, 一本關於愛與毒癮的書, 他說:"There were good times and bad times, but in the beginning there were more good times."

可能由於電影說的是毒品和它怎樣摧毀人生, 對象可是全世界的觀眾, 亦有這個野心, 所以感覺上演員都刻意避免用太重的澳洲口音.

很喜歡用遊樂場裡的旋轉離心機作開場, 令人會心微笑. 但快樂的開始未必等於愉快的結果. 故事是一個悲劇, 一對年青男女, 男的是愛寫詩, 女的愛畫畫, 一個暑假, 海洛因成了他們的"良伴", 無法停止. 飾演男主角Dan的是"斷背山"主角Heath Ledger, 女主角Candy由Abbie Cornish飾演, 去年在電影節中的"Somersault"有不俗的表現. 兩位演員演出也不錯, 頗喜歡Abbie Cornish, 不是很豔麗, 但就是有廿來歲女孩特有的那份青春無敵氣質, 很誘人. Heath Ledger在此片演出比"Brokeback Mountain"更自然, 很有那種潦倒頹廢感.

電影中段有點拖拉和鬆散, 沒有凝聚力, 兩個年輕演員雖不俗, 但未能撐得住全套劇, 有點悶場, 不夠緊湊豐富. Geoffrey Rush飾演的Casper, 是個富有的教授兼癮君子, 戲份較少, 亦不見其發揮機會.

電影中最震撼一幕必定是Candy和Dan抱著夭折的不足月嬰孩傷心欲絕睡在醫院病床上, 嬰孩灰藍色的臉孔, 張開了的小口, 令人毛骨悚然, 極之駭人.

電影結局Dan的決定給人難忘的感覺, "青春的脆弱"就來個告別吧. 很喜歡Candy獨白那一段:"Oh Danny boy..."

link to my blog: http://dorablahblah.blogspot.com/2006/04/candy.html

 6 ) candy

Once upon a time, there was Candy and Dan.
Things were very hot that year.
All the wax was melting in the trees.
He would climb balconies, climb everywhere, do anything for her,
oh Danny boy.
Thousands of birds,
the tiniest birds, adorned her hair.
Everything was gold.

One night the bed caught fire.
He was handsome and a very good criminal.
We lived on sunlight and chocolate bars.
It was the afternoon of extravagant delight.

Danny the daredevil.

Candy went missing.

The days last rays of sunshine cruise like sharks.
I want to try it your way this time.
You came into my life really fast and I liked it.
We squelched in the mud of our joy.
I was wet-thighed with surrender.

Then there was a gap in things and the whole earth tilted.
This is the business. This, is what we’re after.
With you inside me comes the hatch of death.
And perhaps I’ll simply never sleep again.
The monster in the pool.
We are a proper family now with cats and chickens and runner beans.
Everywhere I looked.
And sometimes I hate you.

Friday — I didn’t mean that, mother of the blueness. Angel of the storm.
Remember me in my opaqueness.
You pointed at the sky, that one called Sirius or dog star, but on here on earth.
Fly away sun.
Ha ha fucking ha you are so funny Dan.
A vase of flowers by the bed. My bare blue knees at dawn.
These ruffled sheets and you are gone and I am going too.
I broke your head on the back of the bed but the baby he died in the morning.
I gave him a name.
His name was thomas.
Poor little god. His heart pounds like a voodoo drum.

- Candy

from tumblr


Once upon a time, there was Candy and Dan.他們曾擁有一切荒誕的滿足。妳涂滿墻壁的油彩都成了詩,暴風雨里的天使。最初的heaven到最後的hell,路邊的雛菊換不來,唐人街飯館桌上的白酒或蘇打水只能送走代表你生命全部的糖果。她的分裂癥都能康復,為什麽兩年後你卻死了。

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Heath Ledger1月22日被发现,在曼哈顿的公寓内死亡。那天正好我生日

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电影一般,OST很赞,推荐Johnette Napolitano的Wedding Theme

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she was everything to me. you came into my life really fast, and i liked it.

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HEAVEN 致幻劑下假裝有妳的日子;EARTH 迷矇中妳的影子;HELL 怎樣都沒有妳的日子。在喘氣,沒有喘氣,都已經不會再有妳。

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看过之后,我觉得我最近情绪非常稳定…真是非常稳定…关于毒品体验的片子也看过不少了,也不是一点也不好奇…永远堕落吗就一直堕落得下去吗…这样意义何在?谁能告诉我?!――题外话,乡下真美…取景很干净色彩很明丽…喜欢打灯的效果营造…喜欢他罩着床单看电视 ps:海报真是难看死了

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Keep making me laugh,let's go get high,the road is long we carry on try to have fun in the meantime

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很久没看到这样的好片了,heaven, earth and hell. life is like drug, and we can't help but keep using.

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  • 乌咪
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有你是天堂 和你在一起是人间 失去你是地狱

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是出尘的空气和太阳,是五颜六色的光,是近乎透明的白,是瘾,是爱,是疯狂,是纠缠和潮湿,是肮脏的干净的,是憎恨和思念,是地狱,也是天堂 。

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desperateness & beautiful

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离开他,会是幸福吗?谁又能定义 幸福 呢? PS:没错,就是在LAST FRIENDS第二集里面出现过的电影

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