

主演:Geoffrey Canada,George Reeves



等待超人 剧照 NO.1等待超人 剧照 NO.2等待超人 剧照 NO.3等待超人 剧照 NO.4等待超人 剧照 NO.5等待超人 剧照 NO.6
更新时间:2024-04-11 04:40




 1 ) 摇号的公平与不公平




 2 ) 这个世界没有superman

1. 教育公平。

2. 学什么?
电影中一直侧重的,也是孩子们对于大学的憧憬,以及美国学生的POOR PERFORMANCE in academic, 特别是数学和阅读。 学校是学习知识的地方,这种第一反应,无论在哪种文化中,都根深蒂固。哪怕加德纳的多元智能理论已经提出来好像将近20年了?
但是有的时候好的成绩好像其实是附属品。 孩子们先享受学习,有了“never give up”的信念,合作的气氛,有自信,有好的身体。。。然后自然而然的有好成绩。这些FOUNDATION,看上去都跟好成绩没有关系。所以,你觉得,孩子应该先学什么呢?

标准化测试在我看来,一个不合理的地方在于它其实有可能不符合学生学习的规律。假设中学生的知识架构是一点点搭起来的, 要是有个地方没有搭好了,之后的发展肯定不好。但事实上有可能学习的开窍时间有差异。有人5岁学会阅读,有的14岁才学会阅读。测试可以作为反馈的参考依据,可以作为数据,但其实不适合拿来做评判依据,尤其是早年的。成长是个过程,wakening 需要时间,为什么不能多给点时间给孩子?片中有个学校说,我们不TRACK学生的成绩,我们相信每个孩子都有权利得到高水平的教育。说不定这正是他们成功的一大原因。

从这个点上来说,行政的力量还是能有点效用的。 DC特区的教育特别行政官, RHEE 女士给学校老师带来了危机感。 刚查了下新闻,她的改革还在继续:http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/24/education/24teachers.html?_r=1。无论是RHEE女士还是老师,都不容易。而从为了孩子的未来来说,这些努力又都是必要的。

这个世界如果有SUPERMAN的话,最有可能的是你自己。是学生,是对教育充满热情的老师,是对教育改革很有想法的那些LEADER。 我不喜欢WAITING这个词, why not use "Being"?

PS:1.这个电影是我们学院租下了一个剧场,特意组织的私映。整个剧场差不多都满了,来了大半的学生和教授,还有一些校友。这些人suppose 都是真的关心教育关心孩子的,也是教育改革的希望。
2. 教育是个很复杂的命题。还有家长,有社区,有文化什么的区别,尤其是美国这种地方。这部片子够煽情,但是深度有些不够。
3. 我其实很好奇,那失败的4/5的CHARTER SCHOOL,都是为什么?

 3 ) 飞空


 4 ) 纪录片结构分析

Davis Guggenheim。留意到他是因为他给Obama 2012竞选拍摄的宣传性纪录片,以及他的姓氏。



Education Narration (daily life of families and normal thinking of kids)
• Statement Narration:
o Kid’s response to math question (Narrative)
o School day morning (Narrative)
o Choice between public school and private school (Narrative)
o Lottery for a school(Narrative)
• Student Sample Interview – dreams and school performance (from low-income families)
• Get in a good school, because bad school ruins kids (Point of view: importance to grab a seat in good school, and it worth to struggle )

Reality and Analysis to system, school and teachers, from perspectives of nation, family and individual kid
• Education Reality (Nation)
o Education system – the education expense comparison
o Education system – Efforts from government
o Status of students’ performance (by national test to all students) under current system
• Education Reality (School)
o How the school environment influences the student individuals
• Education Reality (Family)
o What else factors have influenced the individual education level? (Question)
        Family environment (subjective) – parents did not receive well education (from sample). (Narrative)
        Family environment (objective) – parents all wish their kids to get well education (from sample). (Narrative)
• Realities Narration of Basic Education: Public Schools (Narrative)
o Most public schools assigned by bills are “dropout factories”.
o Result – Kids are forced to get in these bad schools thought they hoping for good educations like their families. (Indication: not fair)
o Person who brings change – Michelle Ree
• Realities Analysis of Basic Education: Public Schools
o Causes of realities of public schools – local regulations and resources assignment plan have refrain the school management and teacher’s mind from what it is supposed to be like simply accept the support from states then make school simply as a good place for kids to get good education.
o Reaction to reality
        Kids: Why kids hate schools? (Indication: Bad teachers.)
        Parents: Why should my kids suffer from a bad education? (Indication: Unfairness brought by education systems)
• Teachers and the reality of schools:
o What good teachers mean to education? What differs good teachers from bad teachers?
o Supposed solution: Why can’t we get rid of bad teachers? (Question)
o Solution obstacle:
        Tenure employment for teachers, even for the bads
        Rewards for teachers are all fixed for every teacher, no matter good ones or bad ones
        Teacher union are overprotecting and even have more rights to get involve in politics
• Admit the devotion by good teachers, and pointing to the regulation of teacher union
• How schools acting under current situation towards teachers?
o Lemon Dance – throw the garbage to other schools – result: several public school will have more bad teachers and make those school worse
o Rubber Room – isolate all the bad teachers, paying them for nothing but waiting for reassignment – result: cost loads of money 100 million dollars/year for NY
• Change to this situation:
o A new solution – Charter schools: public school + public money + independent running
o Reform to the public schools – MR has shut down bad public schools
        Teachers lose their jobs
        Bring a more furious competition to get in a good school
• Performance comparison between public school, private school and charter school : Charter school is the seemingly best choice for those low-income family but still wants to strive for good educations
• Public school development narration (Reality): What makes public school become a failure like this? Public schools are good till 70s, and have made top people in various fields
• Public school development analysis (Cause): the education system is falling behind. Education in old days is not aiming to get everyone in to university, but as the global economy developing and talent needs, everyone has to get into university to survive.
• Answer to the Cause:
o Some charter schools does not track students give students equal opportunity to compete for university education.
• Employment and education status narration (Reality): The future of country economy comes from innovations.
• Employment and education status analysis (Cause): Education on Math and Science and Technology is important.
• Answer to the Cause:
o School has different focus on nurturing kids’ interests, and there are charter schools focusing on education of math and science.
• People’s living standard in US narration (Reality): Poor and rich seem to be set.
• People’s living standard in US analysis with instance of “sound speed of flights” (Cause): the only way to get out from poor is to get well education.
• Person to answer the call:
o Ambitious educators establish the “baby college” program, and have proved that charter school works for changes in providing good education to low-income families.

• New hope arises, and kids are desperately hoping to get in those good schools.
• MR is making some positive changes:
o Good performance from survived public schools
o Better staff resources assignment: reassign the good staffs from bad schools.
o Reform on tenure that can also satisfy teacher union: the teacher accept renewed contract with standard of performance review will get double income
• US are making change on education system, and good school can’t go with good teachers.
• Reality with hope: School lottery (echoing the beginning of the film) and lottery result (indication: still have way to go, but change is coming)

我记录了电影结尾的quotes,跟John Legend的Shine放在一起,这些文字真的是足够煽情。

“We need good proves… leading people to say yes, we can do this” – Bill Gates
“We need to know… if there is fortitude to lead them from the situation (even that comes with big sacrifice) …” – Michelle Ree
Don’t give up.
“Our system is broken, and it feels impossible to fix. But we can’t wait.
Great school comes from great people.
In every city, people are doing it everyday, people like you.
There are steps you can takes to create great schools.
We know what works to create your schools, to create any school, to create every school: quality teachers, more classroom time, world class standards, high expectations, real accountability.
The problem is complex, but steps are simple.
It starts with teachers becoming the very best teachers, leaders removing the barriers to change, neighbors committed to their school.
Great school won’t come from winning the lottery.
They won’t come from superman.
They will come from you.”


 5 ) 展现了一些美国教育体制问题
















 6 ) Review of waiting for superman

This semester , I took a course called looking at American education through movies . At the first class , our teacher showed us a documentary called waiting for superman . It gives me a lot new ideas about American and American education after watching it.

Waiting for "Superman" is a 2010 American documentary film directed by Davis Guggenheim and produced by Lesley Chilcott . By following five students , the film criticizes the American public education system : inequity of education resources , teachers do not take work seriously , bloated public education system …These problems have led to a decline in the quality of education in the United States : the grades of reading and math have not improved since 1970s , a lot students can not be admitted into university , increase of crime rate …

The film changes my view of America . I have not been to America before , the way I know about America just is watching American movies . especially Hollywood movies . In my old view , America is the best nation in the world , it has the best university , people all over the world want to go to America . It seems that everything is perfect , and there is no issues in America. But the film tells me that problems are everywhere , no matter in America .

I got known that American education and Chinese education have both Commonality and differences . America and China both have public education system , which is free for every students . However , America private education is well developed , while Chinese is not . The best schools in America are private schools . But on the contrary , the best schools in China are established by government. Perhaps it is may because of the culture and history . Besides , the education system of America and China is same . A kid will get into primary school when he grows up , and then junior school , high school . When he Reach the appropriate level , he will be admitted into a university . That is same as China . Another difference I find is that assessment method between America and China is different . We Chinese students have to take gaokao before we get into university , and there are six course exams in gaokao . But students in America is examined by reading and math ability .

The above is my observation . All in all , education is a very important part to the development of human being . As the end of the film said , good education is not from superman , it is from everyone of us . We should take it seriously and take actions . By the way , if there is any chance , I would like to go to America to experience American education by myself .




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难得一见主流纪录片对工会开炮,可惜如今7年过去,教师工会依然是阻碍教育质量提高的罪魁祸首。Charter School好,学券制好,School Choice好

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